All meetings of the church have suspended pending a final decision about the future of the church.
Baptist Reformed Church is a fellowship of born-again followers of the Lord Jesus Christ who have been baptised and show their faith by Biblical Christian living.
When we meet we seek to glorify God through dignified worship and the preaching of his word to all. We endeavour to make all the services interesting and meaningful, but we make no effort to entertain.
In the choosing of the hymns we sing, we pay particular attention to the biblical content and the musical quality of the hymns. We also regard the reading of the Holy Scriptures and the pastoral prayers as important integral elements of each worship service.
The greater part of each service is normally given to expository preaching. Systematic, clear instruction in God's word requires sufficient time to be set aside. We deliberately allow more time for the preaching of the Word than many churches do today.
We encourage children to remain in the service with their parents.